Bethany -
When I was just a little girl, playing with my dolls, my life's dream was to find Prince Charming who would sweep me off my feet and we would enter a wonderful married life and have a bunch of beautiful babies. The future looked like a fairy tale.
As teens or young adults, we want life to hurry up so we can figure out what's on the next page of life. We don't feel like slowing down and enjoying everyday life. We want love, we want life. We believe that romance will give that to us, so we use dating. This usually backfires and dating hurts us. Then we are left wondering...."what are we supposed to do now?"
In this whole chapter, we have learned to draw close to God in our single years. We have seen how a relationship focused on God will make a couple strong in each other and Him. I hope to have a story of my own someday. I want a story that is God fearing, pure, loving and selfless. I want my story to bring back good memories, tears of joy and not of remorse. Yet, like Josh Harris says, "It's your choice."
Josh -
We are all writing stories. The story of our life. How will it turn out? Will we look back and smile at our journey of purity, patience, and trust in the Lord or will we look back with regret as we recall the haste, the uncontrolled passion and the compromise? It is a choice. That's right! A choice. What will you choose?
As christian young people, we all strive for God-honoring life stories that will include our love story as well. I just encourage you to prepare yourself for the years ahead; When you make up your mind about something, (ie. Purity) stick with it. When you meet opposition (it's inevitable) Don't cave in or compromise.
"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?." Romans 8:30I encourage you to stand strong and write a life(love) story that you would be proud to tell.
Thank you very much for joining us in this book. I pray God blessed you through our study and I look forward to the next!
God Bless.
Jenna -
Shouldn't it be every young persons dream, to have a pure and God glorifying love story? This entire book has been an encouragement and blessing to me as I strive to keep my standards high, and purity complete. It has reminded me that God is in entire control and has the key to every's a relief, just knowing that God can work every detail out for our good and His glory.
As we go day to day living our lives for Jesus (and always learning!), let's remember to keep our standards HIGH, to stand strong and boldly for Jesus Christ, and to wait for "the one" that God has created us for...let's be an encouragement to each other as we're all on the journey of purity and faithfulness.
One of the most encouraging things that I came away with from this book, was to treat our brothers and sisters in Christ with RESPECT, and in all purity, encouraging one another in HIS word. I believe it was chapter 7 "Just Friends in a Just Do it World".
"Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people's sins; keep yourself pure." 1 Timothy 5:22
What was one or two things that you were blessed by from this book?
Thank you for joining us in reading "I Kissed Dating Goodbye". We certainly hope that you will go through Do Hard Things with us too, starting December 14th. We would love for more people to read it with us and discuss each chapter, so please spread the word!!