Friday, November 20, 2009

Just Friends In a Just-Do-It World


Friendships. It can be hard to keep them pure without any hint of any romance included. They can be such a blessing though, so work on those friendships. I have several non-romantic relationships that you could call girl/guy friendships with me being the "girl" party. They are all such a blessing to me.

"Being just friends with members of the opposite sex doesn't happen by accident. We have to fight for a guard our friendships. Like magnets, men and women are designed to attract each other, But until we're ready to be "stuck for life", we need to avoid premature intimacy. How do we do that? By respecting the limitations of guy-girl friendships and relating to other within the framework given by God's Word." Pg. 132


"God wants us to neither run from each other [the opposite gender] nor use each other in an indulgent pursuit of short term romance. He's calling us to be firmly committed to biblical friendships. In brother-sister relationships, men and women spur each other on to godliness - they stand against wickedness together, they seek God together, they honor one another and grow in grace side by side." Pg 131

"What's our relationship to each other? We're brothers and sisters in Christ. How do we treat each other? With honor. And what's the secret to our zeal? Service - side by side for God's glory. Guided by this attitude, being "just friends" can be just plain awesome." Pg. 136

Being just friends is plain awesome...this chapter helped me remember how important it is to have "just friends" and what a blessing we can be to each other, encouraging one another in the Word of God, our daily walks, and maintaining our purity! Now I am asking myself if I treat my brothers in Christ with honor? Am I serving side by side for GOD'S glory? And am I encouraging my friends?? I feel like I have alot to work on in the "just friends" relationships. I often let my brother do the talking to the "guy friends" and I just listen:) But this chapter reminds me that it's okay to talk with brothers in Christ and to encourage and honor them and serve along with them, because we are Just Friends learning and striving to walk on the Straight and Narrow Path.


" I do believe that guys and girls can have life-enriching, non-romantic relationships. In fact, it's important that we do." pg. 128

" Brothers and sisters look out for each other. They comfort each other. They find ways to serve each other. And at times they have to gently challenge and rebuke each other in love. It's all part of genuine care." pg. 130

I completely agree that guys and girls can have very uplifting and encouraging relationships without being romantic. Only, I think it's important that we really understand the second quote, and love the opposite sex like brothers and sisters in Christ. Without a proper understanding of pure, Christ-like love for the opposite sex, it can be dangerous and a great opportunity to stumble.

In Christ Alone,
Josh, Jenna, and Bethany


Anonymous said...

Great post!


LocaChica said...

That is one of the best books I've ever read. You all(no, I'm not southern!) are doing reviews really well :)

Beth said...

That was really good! I personally have a BIG problem with that. And I'm like Jenna, I normally let my brothers do the talking to the guys. I can't wait till I get my book! =)

DannyT077 said...

Great Blog! Keep up the good work

Rachel said...

Thank you for this post :) Jenna, I have also realized that I have to work on "just friends" relationships. I enjoy talking with my brothers in Christ when I am with my brother :) And even sometimes I may not talk then. But, what am I saying that is worth talking about?

Great post, and what a help this blog is. :)


Anonymous said...

So...when does a friendship turn into an undue emotional attachment? Where's the line?

Unless you live like a hermit, you are going to have friends among those of the opposite gender. And unless you're really, really special, you're going to like some of your friends. And unless you're really, really careful, you're going to struggle with finding the line between a good friendship and a distracting attachment. You better find that line quick, or it's going to be a lot harder to do so when you actually need to find that line.

So...I'm all ears...