Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ready for the Sack but Not for the Sacrifice

How to Have a Biblical and Realistic Vision of Marriage


Many times we get caught up in the moment and we look at the outward appearance, but do we even think about the future? Do we look for things that last? What is truly important?

"Charm is decitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30

"We're too easily impressed by image; God wants us to value qualities that will last. Wisely choosing a marriage partner requires that we get back to the persons essentials of a person's character and attitude." pg. 176


In this chapter, I was blessed especially by the quote below; encouraging us to cultivate qualities and disciplines for marriage. To be very honest with you, I day dream about the day that I'm married...making dinner for my husband, keeping the house clean for him, and serving him at his side. But am I cultivating qualities and disciplines for when I am married, or am I wasting my preparation time dreaming??

"In our daydreams about marriage, we too often forget what a drastic course of action marriage really is. We read the captivating headlines but neglect to read the exacting fine print. What does the fine print say? That good marriages require work, patience, self-disciplines, sacrifice, and submission. That successful marriages take "guts and maturity" and, we should add, a biblical undedrstanding of God's purpose and plan for it. Only when we cultivate these qualities and disciplines can we carry out our responsibilities and experience true joy and fulfillment in marriage." Pg. 172

You and I can work on patience, self-discipline, sacrifice and submission right now, if we're married or not. Are you ready to work at it?!


Marriage is a big word. It is not an act to be taken lightly. Sure, we all love weddings that are beautiful and romantic, but really, what is marriage? It is a sanctified union between a man and woman that should never end unless in case of death.
Noting this, it doesn't sound like we should exactly take it lightly. In our single years, we should be preparing ourselves for marriage so that we will be prepared to take on the real life of such a union.
How about you? Do you find yourself concentrating on one aspect of marriage to the exclusion of all others? Or can you maintain the big picture and prepare yourself for all that marriage will be??

In Christ,
Josh, Bethany and Jenna

***Go to the top right side bar to see the new book that we're going to go through on Beyond The Cover. We're almost finished with IKDG and will be starting with the next book shortly after that!!***

***Also, please take a moment to vote on the polls on our side bar. We need to hear from you!***

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