Monday, November 30, 2009

What Matters at Fifty?

Character Qualities and Attitudes that Matter Most in a Life Partner
Bethany -

Youthful beauty lasts only a short while.  The strength of a young man fades with age.  Yet the strength and beauty drawn from the wellspring of God's life will last a lifetime.  Therefore, we should be looking for strength and beauty coming from the heart.  Look at character, look for things that last.  This is true beauty.

Then when looking for qualities in a future spouse, try asking yourself......'How will they look at 50?'

Jenna -

There was so much encouragement in this chapter, I don't even know where to begin. However, I was most encouraged about TRUE beauty. Beauty on the outside is pretty, but means nothing - it is the inward beauty that I as a young lady, need to focus on and cultivate a heart of compassion and love for others. I think that the quote below goes for guy's as well...when my future husband is 50, I want to be even more in love with his heart than I am at 25 or 30. What truly matters at fifty? For me it is that my husband's heart is ever drawing closer to Jesus Christ, that he is still the strong, spiritual leader in our home....and that he loves my wrinkles, right?!

"One of these days, and this is the moment for which I'm hoping and praying, I'm going to meet a girl, and when I imagine her at fifty she'll be even more beautiful than she is today. They years won't detract; they'll only sharpen and mature her. Because with a woman who fears God, whose inner strength draws from the wellspring of His life, time can only add to her true beauty."

Josh -

Many times we get caught up in the moment and we look at the outward appearance, but do we even think about the future? Do we look for things that last? What is truly important?

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30

"We're too easily impressed by image; God wants us to value qualities that will last. Wisely choosing a marriage partner requires that we get back to the persons essentials of a person's character and attitude." pg. 176

What about you?  What is going to matter to you at fifty?

God's blessings to you all,
Bethany, Josh and Jenna

***Go to the top right side bar to see the new book that we're going to go through on Beyond The Cover. We're almost finished with IKDG and will be starting with the next book shortly after that!!***

***Also, please take a moment to vote on the polls on our side bar. We need to hear from you!***

1 comment:

Kelsianne said...

That is so true! If someone marries you because of beauty, how can they love you when you are older?
That is a good reason to dress nicely but don't strive constantly for beauty or "the latest fashion" It won't lead to anything worthwhile, and when the wrinkles come, most likely we'll lament the time's that were wasted on our own beauty.
Great Post Bethany, Josh and Jenna. I would like to read through IKDG with you, but I don't have the book yet. I'm looking forward to getting it though! :)
God Bless,
